VR Day

See how children in Key Stage 2 launched an aspect of learning from one of this half term's topics.

News article written by two year 6 children:

On Tuesday 7th January, Hogarth Class participated in a spectacular and remarkable experience linked with our current History topic about The Tudors.  This was part of a two-day set of workshops where children in Key Stage 2 each took part in a virtual reality (VR) workshop linked to an area of their curriculum.  Year 3 explored volcanoes, year 4 the Polar Regions and year 5 found out about Viking life.
During our session, we were aboard a very famous and important ship built and used during the Tudor era. The ‘Mary Rose’ was built during the reign of Henry VIII for use in wars against France, Scotland and Brittany; he was a Tudor monarch who ruled from 1509 to 1547.
Year 6 pupils worked in pairs to experience what life would have been like aboard this vessel.  Between us, we had to label ourselves A and B. Partner B collected a headset. Sheets of paper - specially personalised for the occasion - and pencils were handed out to us by the instructor. Whilst Partner B witnessed amazing sights and described what they could see, Partner A had to write down this description. We were enabled to see what it was like aboard the ship and its appearance. We not only saw incredible and appealing sights but tragic ones, too. Over 500 men died when the Mary Rose plunged into the vast watery deep. Year 6 students observed the view of people leaping out of the boat into the sea, escaping in a life-or-death matter.
Children came out full of knowledge about the Mary Rose. This session was not only entertaining but memorable.
To see pictures of this event, please click here.