Parent Update

An important parent update has been posted on this page for you to read.

Parent Update – Friday 22nd January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Free School Meals

We have taken the decision to utilise the national voucher scheme for the provision of free school meals for children who are not permitted to return to school. Vouchers will be issued every second week to the value of £30 per eligible child. This works out at £15, per child, per week.

The first payments were authorised today and we understand that many families have now received these.

Half Term

At present, schools have not been informed about expectations over half-term. As a result, please ensure you make plans to keep your children at home during this week.

If any updates become available, we will share these with you as soon as possible. I am conscious that many decisions, from the Government, have been very last minute so I think it would be wise to begin making these preparations now.

Children Returning from Self-Isolation

We had to ask a small number of classes to work remotely instead of accessing their key-worker places in school. Please see below for the return dates for each class:

  • Y5 Rubens Class:                             Monday 25th January
  • Y5 Rembrandt Class:                     Monday 25th January
  • Y5 Michelangelo Class:                 Friday 29th January
  • Y4 Constable Class:                        Tuesday 26th January
  • Y4 Kandinsky Class:                       Tuesday 26th January    

Michelangelo Class are returning slightly later than the rest of the year group following advice from the NHS tracing team. Apologies for the inconvenience this will no doubt cause.

Social Distancing

Please can you be aware of your distance form other families when arriving and collecting each day. There have been a small number of instances where adults have not maintained an appropriate distance form others.

Please be particularly aware of your social distancing if you have an exemption from wearing a face mask. Without a mask, you are more likely to infect others or be infected yourself.

When collecting children, please keep them close by and avoid them playing with children from other bubbles. The mixing of children from different bubbles seriously compromises school safety as we have worked so hard to keep the bubbles separated during the school day.


We have now allocated almost 100 laptops for children who do not have access to a suitable device at home. Please collect these promptly if you have not already done so.

We are also able to support you if you do not have internet access or a suitable data plan on your mobile device at home. Please contact the school if this is the case.

Kind regards,

Mr Petch

(Acting Head Teacher)