Inspirational People Day

Read about our recent whole-school celebration based around people who inspire us.

On Thursday 24th January 2019 Putnoe Justice Squad organised a whole school mufti day to raise money for the Malala fund. The Malala Fund is working for a world where every girl can learn and become future leaders. Over 130 million girls all over the world don’t go to school and the fund is working to stop that. Malala and her father founded the fund in 2013 to help girls have 12 years of free, safe and quality education. The Justice Squad chose this because they believe that all girls deserve an education.

The theme for the day was Who Inspires You? The whole school embraced this idea and we had a wide variety of people represented. From people they knew, sportsmen and women to musicians, doctors, authors and artists.

We raised an amazing, £351.51     

Thank you everyone for being involved and enjoying the day.  Photos from the day can be seen here.