Skype Chat with Bill Joyce

Read about our Skype conversation with author of "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore".

We were really fortunate to arrange a Skype chat with the author of "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore, the book being the inspiration for our spring term displays.
Children from Year 5 and 6 were asked to think of a question to ask the author, Bill Joyce. Two  children from each class were then chosen to take part in a Skype chat with Bill.
George from Michelangelo class  reflects on the opportunity to speak with Bill Joyce
"The experience was amazing! It was great to listen to how Bill started out as an illustrator and what inspires him to create amazing stories.
Bill showed us his sketch book and we had a preview of one of the new characters he was working on called Scarecrow. It was also great to listen to how Bill felt when he received an Oscar for winning best short animation film for The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore. We even got to see the Oscar!
My question to Bill was “What made you come up with the idea of flying books?”
Bill  said that he was inspired by a play he watched in New York where the books were flying. The character of Mr Lessmore was based on his good friend whose house was full, from ceiling to floor, with books.