Please find below a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and some additional information in response to some of your questions:
Q: Which pupils will return to Putnoe on 1st June?
A: In addition to vulnerable and key worker children, School is to open to Year R, 1 and 6
Q: Why aren’t nursery children returning to Putnoe on the 1st June?
A: Due to their age and level of need, I cannot ensure distancing can be maintained to a standard to which I deem safe for them to return – yet. I have a duty to protect the children and staff in school.
Q: I have completed the survey to say whether my child will return or not. What happens if I change my mind?
A: This is your right. We would simply ask that you communicate your intentions with us clearly and talk to us if you have any concerns. You will need to give us 5-days-notice if you would like your child to return to school.
Q: Will vulnerable children and key worker children still be attending school?
A: Yes – Year R, 1 and 6 will be taught with other children from their year. If they are in 4+, Y2, 3 4 or 5, they will be taught by designated key worker teaching staff.
Q: When is school open to pupils?
A: The school is open to the following year groups between the following times:
Reception: 9:15am to 3:15pm (Mon-Thu)
Year 1: 9:00am to 3:00pm (Mon – Thu)
Year 6: 8:45am to 2:45pm (Mon – Thu)
Vulnerable and key worker: 9:00am to 3:00pm (Mon-Fri)
Q: How big will class sizes be?
A: Group/class sizes are expected to not exceed 10-12 children rather than the government's stated 15 pupil class size. Responses to the class surveys suggest some classes will be even smaller than this. We will review the safety of class sizes on a daily basis.
Q: My child is not returning to school on 1st June. Will they still get remote learning activities sent home?
A: The simple answer is YES. We have been working on innovative ways in which we can deliver teaching in school and still provide work for home/remote learning each week. We have a way to still offer help if your child is stuck and provide some basic feedback to your child when work is submitted for checking. Please try to understand how difficult this is though and be patient as we develop and improve these plans.
Q: Are there be new measures to support safe distancing in and around school?
A: Yes. These include one way systems, signage in key areas, more outdoor learning, staggered arrival, eating and play times etc.
Please contact the school office on 01234 303400 or e-mail me directly at putnoeprimary@putnoeprimary.co.uk with any other questions or if you need clarity on any of the information I have already provided.