Admission Arrangements

We currently have 3 termly intakes as follows:

  • 4+ - Spring Term - Children who's 4th birthday falls between 1st September and 31st December (full-time or part-time)
  • 4+ - Summer Term - Children who's 4th birthday falls between 1st January and 31st March (full-time or part-time)
  • Reception - Autumn Term - Children who's 4th birthday falls between 1st April and 31st August (full-time)

Parents interested in applying to Putnoe Primary School for admission of their children can arrange a visit to the school by contacting the School Office. The admission's policy is reviewed annually and parents are advised to check with the school for an up-date on the above information. Please note, all school admissions into the reception year are administered centrally by Borough Hall who can be contacted on 01234 228878.

We are able to admit up to 90 pupils from Reception to Years 6. If the number of places in a particular year group is not sufficient to meet the requests of all the parents, children are admitted on the following basis:

  • To 'looked after' children accommodated in the catchment area
  • To pupils living in the catchment area
  • Other 'looked after' children
  • On 'very exceptional' medical grounds
  • To brothers or sisters of pupils currently attending the school
  • To children of members of staff at the school
  • Children in long term (12 months or more) registered child-minding situations, being cared for in the schools catchment area
  • To those living the shortest distance from the school measured in a straight line between the Headteacher’s office and the pupil’s home. Those living nearest the school are accorded the higher priority

In any situation where the application of the above criteria results in a situation where there are more children with an equal right to admission to the school than the number of available places, the distance criteria will be used as a ‘tie-breaker’ to resolve the matter.

If a school place is declined, parents/carers are able to go to an independent Appeals Pane. Please refer to our Admissions Policy for further details.

Our Pupil Registration Form can be downloaded below.