

Our vision at Putnoe Primary School is that geography will inspire pupils' curiosity and fascination with the world and its people. We strive to create opportunities and inspire pupils to develop their own experiences to investigate and critically think about current geographical issues affecting natural and human aspects of the world.

We are an eco-school that empowers and motivates pupils to drive change and improve environmental awareness in their school, local community and beyond.

The geography curriculum at Putnoe Primary School enables children to retrieve and develop knowledge and skills that are progressive, as well as transferable to other curriculum areas, throughout their time at Putnoe Primary School and in addition to their further education and beyond.


Geography at Putnoe Primary School is taught within topic blocks throughout the year, enabling children to achieve depth in their learning; this is supported by the Oddizzi website to engage children in their Geography lessons. At the beginning of each unit, pupils can convey what they know as we retrieve prior learning in depth to ensure that children embed their geographical knowledge. Key vocabulary is discussed, as this is a key focus at Putnoe Primary School to develop the pupils’ language.  As pupils develop their knowledge of the world, they will understand the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. The local area is utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice.


Children leave Putnoe Primary confident to ask and explore questions to further their own geographical knowledge and understanding. They will be inquisitive young learners and citizens who choose to understand global environmental issues and seek to make a personal difference in protecting and shaping the world we share.