
Putnoe Primary believe that each child is an individual and as such is entitled to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which enables them to achieve their best in all areas of the school curriculum and supports them in developing the skills to become confident individuals. We believe that our management of the pupil’s learning environment will play an important part in the success of their learning and personal development. All the experiences and activities pursued in school should be provided within a caring framework which stimulates and fosters the social, intellectual, spiritual, aesthetic, and physical development of each child allowing him/her to become a confident and fulfilled member of the community. We are committed to making sure all our pupils have the chance to thrive and supporting them to meet their full potential. We are focused on creating an inclusive environment, where provision is tailored to the needs and abilities of pupils, no matter how varied.

Every pupil with SEN and disability at Putnoe has an entitlement to fulfil their potential.


The coordinator will:

  • Work with the headteacher and SEN governor to determine the strategic development of the SEND policy and provision in the school
  • Have day-to-day responsibility for the operation of this SEND policy and the co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual pupils with SEN, including those who have EHC plans
  • Provide professional guidance to colleagues and liaise and work with staff, parents, and other agencies to make sure that pupils with SEN receive appropriate support and high-quality teaching Advise on the graduated approach to providing SEN support and differentiated teaching methods appropriate for individual pupils
  • Advise on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’ needs effectively Be a point of contact for external agencies, especially the local authority (LA) and its support services, and work with external agencies to ensure that appropriate provision is provided
  • Liaise with potential next providers of education to make sure that the pupil and their parents are informed about options and that a smooth transition is planned when a pupil moves to a different school or institution
  • Make sure that all relevant information about a pupil’s SEN and the provision for them are sent to the appropriate authority, school, or institution in a timely manner
  • Work with the headteacher and school governors to make sure the school meets its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 regarding reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
  • Make sure the school keeps its records of all pupils with SEND up to date and accurate
  • With the headteacher, monitor to identify any staff who have specific training needs regarding SEN, and incorporate this into the school’s plan for continuous professional development
  • With the headteacher, regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the SEND support the school offers or can access and co-operate with the LA in reviewing the provision that is available locally and in developing the local offer

Class teachers will:

  • Plan and provide high-quality teaching that is differentiated to meet pupil needs through a graduated approach The progress and development of every pupil in their class
  • Work closely with any teaching assistants or specialist staff to plan and assess the impact of support and interventions and consider how they can be linked to classroom teaching
  • Work with the SENCO to review each pupil’s progress and development and decide on any changes to provision
  • Ensure that children with SEND have opportunities to take part in group work with children who do not have SEND
  • Ensure that all children in the class have a positive attitude towards children with SEND and that they are treated as valued members of the class
  • Ensure they follow this SEND policy and the SEN information report
  • Communicate with parents regularly to
    • Set clear outcomes and review progress towards them
    • Discuss the activities and support that will help achieve the set outcomes
    • Identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil, and the school
    • Listen to the parents’ concerns and agree their aspirations for the pupil
  • Make communications effective teachers by:
    • Acknowledging and drawing on parental knowledge and expertise in relation to their child
    • Focusing on the child's strengths as well as areas of additional need
    • Recognising the personal and emotional investment of parents and be aware of their feelings
    • Ensuring that parents understand procedures, are aware of how to access support in
    • Preparing their contributions, and are given documents to be discussed well before meetings
    • Respecting the validity of differing perspectives and seek constructive ways of reconciling different viewpoints
    • Recognising the need for flexibility in the timing and structure of meetings


Sonar is used to assess pupils’ attainments in all core subjects. It is also used to analyse gaps in pupils’ knowledge and gain an overview of progress for SEND groups of pupils across the school.

Progress across classes is closely monitored by the SENDCo and senior leadership team. Class teachers meet with a member of SLT on a termly basis during PPM (Pupil Progress Meetings) SEND pupils and other vulnerable pupils are identified and if appropriate actions are feed back to the SENDCo.