Enterprise Education

Enterprise education consists of enterprise capability supported by better financial capability and economic and business understanding. The aim of enterprise education is to support children to develop the skills of leadership, teamwork, communication, decision-making and risk-taking. These are the building blocks that we believe add up to confident, financially-mature and self-sufficient young people who can progress through to adulthood able to recognise and grasp any opportunity that comes their way.

Opportunities to develop these skills are created across the curriculum and strongly supported by our schools four R’s (Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity). Each class has an enterprise representative to keep their class informed about upcoming events in the enterprise calendar and how they can get involved.  We have an annual Enterprise Week. The activities will be designed and led by the children. The format of each activity will be different but may include:

  • Designing and creating a product or service
  • Fundraising for a charity or community group
  • Advertising and selling products
  • Evaluating and reviewing their product and skills