Aiming High Learning for Life

School News

Here you can keep up-to-date with all the latest news from Putnoe Primary School!

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  • 04/03/21
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    World Book Day 2021

    Watch a video that shows some of the wonderful things that took place during this year's World Book Day.
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  • 03/03/21
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    Kwame Alexander Live

    Find out about how Year 5 and 6 celebrated World Book Day with Kwame Alexander.
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  • 22/01/21
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    Parent Update

    An important parent update has been posted on this page for you to read.
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  • 19/01/21
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    Virtual Library Information

    Find out how your children can access a wide range of digital resources to help their learning at home.
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  • 08/01/21
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    Bedford Borough Update

    Read an update from Bedford Borough regarding lockdown restrictions in schools.
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  • 06/01/21
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    Parent Update

    A parent update has been posted on this page along with a copy of the school's remote learning policy.
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  • 03/01/21
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    School Closure

    A very important letter containing information regarding the school's opening next week has been posted on this page.
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  • 20/11/20
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    Photo Galleries

    Take a look at some recently uploaded photo galleries to the school website.
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  • 06/11/20
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    Children In Need

    Read a letter to find out how the school is planning on celebrating Children in Need.
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  • 23/10/20
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    Van Gogh Art

    Look at some art work created by Constable and Turner class.
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  • 21/10/20
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    Space Week Project Ideas

    Look at a presentation that gives ideas as to how your child can complete the project linked to our recent space week.
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  • 16/10/20
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    Music Days

    See some pictures from the class music days that have taken place this half term.
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