Aiming High Learning for Life

School News

Here you can keep up-to-date with all the latest news from Putnoe Primary School!

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  • 01/10/20
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    Lockdown Videos

    Watch two lockdown-themed videos created by children.
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  • 17/07/20
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    Reading Rocks Reviews

    Watch two Reading Rocks reviews from our year 6 children.
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  • 12/05/20
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    A Message From Mr Petch & The Putnoe Team

    Please open this news article to watch a video message introduced by Mr Petch.
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  • 04/03/20
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    WE Day Celebration

    Find out how the Putnoe Justice Squad celebrated WE Day.
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  • 29/01/20
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    Viking Day

    Read about the year 5 Viking experience day.
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  • 07/01/20
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    VR Day

    See how children in Key Stage 2 launched an aspect of learning from one of this half term's topics.
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  • 19/11/19
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    Culture Festival

    Find out about our recently held Culture Festival
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  • 15/11/19
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    Science Week Winners

    Look at the winning models from our recent Science Week competition!
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  • 13/11/19
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    Library Visit

    Find out about year 1 children's recent visit to the library.
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  • 13/09/19
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    Roald Dahl Day

    See some pictures to show how we celebrated Roald Dahl day.
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  • 19/07/19
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    Year 6 Disco

    Look at pictures taken at our year 6 graduation disco.
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  • 19/07/19
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    RAPA Awards

    See pictures from our end-of-year RAPA Awards ceremony.
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