Aiming High Learning for Life

The School Day

To improve the safety of children during arrival and departure times from school, a staggered programme has been established. Please see below for confirmation of these times.
Drop-off in the morning
Reception: 9:15am
Year 1: 9:00am
Year 6: 8:45am
Vulnerable/key worker: 9:00am
Pick-up in the afternoon
Reception: 3:15pm
Year 1: 3:00pm
Year 6: 2:45pm
Vulnerable/key worker: 3:00pm
One-way system
A one way system has been introduced to improve the flow of parents and children during these times. Families are asked to enter the playground using the pupil gate on the playground.
Once a child has been dropped off or collected, families are asked to leave promptly by making their way across the reception playground and out through the main pedestrian gate (alongside the Hepworth building).
Requests to collect children early
Unfortunately, we are not able to release children early (relevant if you have children who finish at two different times). Collecting children early compromises the safety arrangements we have in place at the end of the school day – keeping all the children safe is our main priority.
If children need to leave early for an important appointment, we will endeavour to support an early collection if proof of the appointment can be checked by staff.